There is no cure or fix for special needs. It is a lifelong issue. With early intervention and the right support special needs individuals can succeed in school and careers.
Most special needs service providers do NOT teach any skills or provide training to help special needs individuals achieve independence.
Special needs individuals are often socially isolated, lack empathy, easily depressed, and have no friends.
Special needs individuals are often rejected and misunderstood by the public. Many look down upon them and discriminate them in the community.
Home of Angels utilizes a revolutionary approach, scientifically proven to work, to give Angels the tools, resources, and guidance needed to succeed. We provide community support and encouragement rather than just supervision or babysitting.

Home of Angels provides important and diverse social connections with those within and outside the community through a Circle of Friends which includes, but is not limited to trained staff, volunteers, peers, mentors, family, and friends.
Angels benefit with greater confidence, a supportive community, creativity, coordination, teamwork, camaraderie, and acceptance into the commnunity and public.

Home of Angels help special needs individuals integrate into the community and achieve total independence by providing trainings and exposure to a multitude of community environments.
We teach critical life skills to special needs individuals for them to improve towards their life goals.
We help special needs individuals acquire 100% independency and integration into the community.
Our programs has helped more than 140 Angels and 600 children integrate into society and and become more independent.
We help shift parents mindsets to focus on what their special needs individual can accomplish and support them towards a future of achievements.
We inspire parents to believe in their special need individuals abilities and potential for growth and independence.
More than 400 volunteers have given back to serve special needs individuals.
We work to change the social stigmas society has towards special needs individuals by fostering understanding and awareness.
We invest in our interns by providing one-on-one coaching, workshop training, exposure to business and community leaders, and opportunities to advance.
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